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How do I unsubscribe from "The Istrys"?
Please press Settings->Unsubscribe and you should be taken to a screen which will allow you to unsubscribe in your app store of choice.
How are Cubistry and The Istrys scored?
Scores are based on multiplying the base points per match, 10 points, by the score multiplier. The score multiplier is the number you see with the “x” next to it in the game’s UI, “1x”, “2x”, “5x”, so on and so forth. The multiplier goes up if you make matches quickly in succession. The multiplier then eventually goes down as matches are no longer made.
So, if you make 10 matches in quick succession your multiplier will have risen to 10 and your 10th match will get you 10×10 points so 100 points. If however you were to make 10 matches with breaks in between the multiplier would not have gone up and your 10th match will still only net you 10 points. So for having made 10 matches, 10 matches made in succession will get you 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 100 as in 550 points while making 10 matches without raising the multiplier will only get you 10 points per match for just 100 points.